How to Become a Member
Open member enrollment for 2025
Georgia ACDIS is affiliated with the national ACDIS, and we sign a chapter agreement with them every year. However, we do not collect their membership dues, and the national ACDIS office does not collect chapter dues for the states. Therefore, to cover the expenses accrued for hosting four (4) quarterly state meetings online and some in-person (when permited), speakers' honorariums, annual scholarships, charity donations, and the software fees for the online platforms we have implemented an Official Paid Membership program. Of course, anyone can attend our meetings, receive email notices, and educational disbursements but only Official Paid Members receive and not limited to the following:
Entrance to attend all four (4) quarterly meetings
(between 15-20 CEUs, door prizes, and for onsite meetings - breakfast, lunch, and snacks).When inperson meetings, members can attend meetings remotely if needed via virtual meeting.
Paid chapter members get first choice priority for spots with online meetings. Paid chapter member must register for online meetings during early member enrollment ahead of open registration.
Eligible to hold a position on the Georgia ACDIS board. Members of the board and leadership after one year of service are eligible for deep discounts to national membership, conferences, and other offerings by HCPro.
Eligible to nominate self or others for any of the leadership positions for Georgia ACDIS board.
Voting privileges of officers and business decisions at large
Ask to debate and approve changes to chapter bylaws.
CEUs through AHIMA for CDIP
CEUs through ACDIS for CCDS
Discount offers to hotels and restaurants of meeting locations at weekend retreats for onsite meetings
A hug at every meeting (when onsite)
Support of the advancement of CDI in Georgia.